Today was our last class of basketball! To some this is a disappointment, to others it couldn't come any sooner. The grade elevens and twelves did a great job coaching and reffing.
Today in art we mixed up plaster of paris for sculpting. Our sculpting projects will be based on a social justice issue or human rights issue. Today we watched a couple of YouTube videos to learn about social justice and human rights, you can watch these videos below. This week your task is to find a video or article to base your sculpture on. Send me your video/article once you have found it.
Today in art we mixed up plaster of paris for sculpting. Our sculpting projects will be based on a social justice issue or human rights issue. Today we watched a couple of YouTube videos to learn about social justice and human rights, you can watch these videos below. This week your task is to find a video or article to base your sculpture on. Send me your video/article once you have found it.